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Religious Education

At St White’s we follow the Gloucestershire agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE) which focuses on pupils learning about beliefs, their impact and how they connect. The principal aim of RE in Gloucestershire is to enthuse and build a ’can do attitude’ through overarching questions about religion and beliefs. Pupils are encouraged to take personal and collective responsibility to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils are encouraged to be reflective and develop their own personal understanding of their beliefs. 

The School makes provision for daily acts of collective worship.

The RE teaching and learning approach
The RE teaching and learning approach has three core elements, which are woven together to provide breadth and balance within teaching and learning about religions and beliefs. Teaching and learning in the classroom will incorporate all three elements, allowing for overlap between elements as suits the religion, concept and question being explored. 
These elements offer a structure through which pupils can encounter diverse religious traditions alongside non-religious worldviews - which reflect the backgrounds of many of the pupils in Gloucestershire schools.