Welcome to our new website.

Project Groups

Each year, each class has a project which they work on. These are designed to show pupils how they can do something to change the world for the better. They might be focusing on a local project or something more widely. 
We are Always Learning and always making a difference.
We are trying to make playtimes even better! We have written letters to Mr Jones to request some new play equipment. 
We are passionate about history in Skylark and think that we should have some resources for showing chronology in our school grounds. We have written to the governors to request their support with funding our project. 
In Swift, we are trying to make our schools grounds better by improving the school pond. We have had the support of the site supervisor in clearing the site thanks to letters that we wrote. We have invited the Forest Rangers to come and support us with our project. 
We are the Peregrine Charity Committee. It is our job to organise all of the charity events for the school for the year. This involves us having to write letters to parents and staff as well as writing articles for the newsletter. This year, we have supported The Royal British Legion, Children in Need, Comic Relief, NSPCC Number Day, the Foodbank and are running a Readathon for Read for Good.
We are practising our letter writing by writing to local people. 
We are trying to make playtimes even better! We have written letters to Mr Jones to request some new play equipment. 
In Jay, we are starting the first ever St White's Podcast. We have done a survey to find out what the school wants from the podcast and we are now busy writing our segments.
We are working on Road Safety and wrote to the PCSOs. They came in to visit us and we checked for speeding traffic on St White's Road. A journalist came to school so we were featured in The Review! We have organised a whole school road safety walk too. 
In Heron, we want to keep the school active. We are surveying the school and parents about what we can do to improve and using the results to apply for the Tesco Stronger Starts.