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St White's Curriculum


Governing bodies are required to produce a Curriculum statement annually. 

There is an expectation from the government for all mainstream primary schools to deliver the National Curriculum. The St White’s Primary School curriculum ensures that we meet and exceed the current aims and statutory requirements alongside our values.

At St White's Primary School, we are Always Learning! This involves learning inside and outside the classroom as well as off-site trips and visits. 

We ensure that all pupils greet challenges with a can do attitude; take responsibility and commit; communicate as they conquer; and reflect and celebrate. 

Our curriculum ensures that we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

The school’s curriculum is responsive to the needs of our vision, our pupils, our country and the wider world so is continually developing.

St White's and the National Curriculum

The school’s The Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2013). It is enhanced with planned opportunities that make up the wider school Curriculum.

Learning is always exciting and in a meaningful context for pupils.  Where commonality exists between subjects and aspects of learning are linked, lessons may be taught using a cross-curricular approach. Where this is not achievable subjects are taught discretely to enable pupils to ‘know more, remember more and do more’. The rehearsal and application of basic knowledge, skills and understanding learned within the core Curriculum subjects, are drivers for the entire Curriculum.

Strong emphasis is placed upon the development of the basic knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for all pupils to become confident, independent learners and in turn, successful adults.

Details of how to obtain further information on the National Curriculum requirements can be found here

If you would like more information about the school's curriculum, please contact the curriculum lead, Miss Cinderey, via the school office

Curriculum Information For Parents