Welcome to our new website.


Our vision for mathematics

We want all pupils at St White’s Primary School to see themselves as mathematicians and to

  • have a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards the learning of mathematics and an enjoyment of the challenges posed by maths;
  • commit to developing a fluency in the different aspects of mathematics and take responsibility for applying their learning in different contexts;
  • develop their ability to conquer problems through decision making and communicate clearly their reasoning in a range of contexts;
  • reflect on the mathematical skills and confidence they will need in order to succeed in school and everyday life and celebrate as they gain these. They will be ready for the next stage of their education. 
At St White's, we comply with the statutory requirements of the EYFS and national curriculum. 

Want some support with helping your child with their maths?


Follow the links to some useful videos that will support the teaching of a particular skill.

  1. Click the link to take you to the specific year group overview you are looking for.
  2. Press the view button for the topic you would like support with.
  3. Scroll to find the video that you are working on and this should help. 


Times Tables


To support the children in their mathematics, we develop their recall of their multiplication tables. Here are the multiplication tables that need to be learned to meet the National Curriculum expectations:

By the end of Y4, all children should be able to rapidly recall all their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.

Year group expectations are as follows:

By the end of Y2, children should know the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.
By the end of Y3, children should also know the 3, 4 and 5 multiplication tables.
By the end of Y4, children should also know the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 multiplication tables.

For parents who want to encourage their children to improve their tables, the school offers TT Rock Stars and logins are available to all pupils. This is an engaging online game which allows children to enjoy improving their times tables knowledge and the school encourages its use. You will know when they 'know their tables' because they will be able to give you the answer to a calculation like 3x4 without thinking or using their fingers!

How we teach mathematics at St White's
At St White's, we use the White Rose Maths curriculum to structure our curriculum from year 1. This ensures that we cover the full national curriculum and it supports us in breaking down the curriculum in to small manageable steps. These steps build on each other over the course of blocks of learning and across year groups. Full maths lessons are taught four times a week. This are supplemented by an additional arithmetic slot in KS2. 
In EYFS, we make use of the Mastering Number resources to structure our curriculum. These support our children in developing good number sense which is crucial for their future success in maths. This use of the Mastering Number materials is continued into KS1 and additionally we have started Mastering Number KS2 in year 4 and 5 this year. This new programme is focussing on developing multiplicative reasoning. To support developing fluency these Mastering Number resources are used daily with other resources used to fill gaps in years 3 and 6.
As well as teaching number, EYFS make use of the NCETM resources for the other areas of maths including pattern, shape and space. 
As we have mixed aged classes, we make use of extra adults within the school to ensure that pupils are taught maths in year group classes. This ensures that they get the right curriculum for their age group and the highest quality teaching. We make use of additional learning spaces within the school to ensure that all pupils have an appropriate environment for learning. 
To ensure that no child is left behind, we make use of time within the day to complete same day maths intervention. This has a positive impact on the progress that the pupils are making. 

Our calculation policies

Maths with ME!
As we use Mastering Number in school, we have shared the Mastering Number Parent Project with parents through workshops and resources sent home.